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sixtylindenweekends - shopping basics

     With so many events that crop up almost daily, it's often become a race to go to event sims to shop, missing out on opportunities to showcase various designers. Almost gone are the days of exploration in Second Life and removed from discovering main stores and landscapes.

     Sixty Linden Weekends was established by Cara and Carpe of Treasured Cove, providing a wide array of stores offering deals that don't break the bank for just $60L a piece, and we wanted to breathe life back into some bit of nostalgia of traveling the grid to find old and new locations, shopping deals and new hangouts without the chaos of button-mashing that Teleport button or waiting for that TP spammer to finally gain access to a tightly packed sim waiting to rez in.

     Locations and merchants had visible kiosks and display offerings for the convenience of grab and go, or checking out new shops the SL community might not have come across before. $60LW is committed to providing quality and comfort to the Retail Therapy we know and love of Second Life, and want to feature not only those who are skilled in their craft from original product creations but those who uphold a standard of work ethics with template resources as well; we all started somewhere and we do not intend to ever forget this and welcome both Original Content Creators as well as Template Resourcers.

     For more information - check out the navigation links above including a list and quick link page of all our participating merchants!

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